I am currently working on:

Publication Formats for Humanities Data

Most of my day is occupied with creating ontologies, RDFs and interfaces for a series of projects at the at the University of Heidelberg. Together with amazing teams at the University Library and the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Material Text Cultures’, we want to create exemplary and innovative publication formats for humanities data, which allow researchers to explore and re-use data in the most efficient way.

Network of Shared Manuscript Transmission

In medieval Europe, books where often collections of texts. Investigating which texts were brought together in the same codex can be extremely important to understand how texts where read, understood and preserved during the period. Using tools from network analysis, it is possible to gain some global insights into this problems. More information here.

Others projects I have going on

Middle High German Rubrics

I am considering the ways in which distant reading techniques might be used to explore this rich textual tradition. I presented a first attempt at the subject in a conference last September. The database of MHG rubrics I created can be accesed in a GitHub-Repository. I look forward to improve the database in the future and be able to perform better analysis.

Open Medieval French (OpenMedFr)

I’ve been working with David Wrisley on this since the beginning of 2018. The goal is to create a good quality corpus of Medieval French literature converting critical editions in the public domain into text files with metadata. I really hope this project grows in the future, because it would be a great resource for Medieval Studies.

Things I would also like to do someday:

Medieval Women’s Debates over Clerics and Knights

If I receive funding, I would love to carry out this project. It would be a critical analysis of all the medieval texts where two women argue about who is a better lover: a cleric or a knight. Hard to believe, but no one has ever attempted a comprehensive analysis of this genre.

Stylometry – Authorship attribution for Middle High German texts

I would like to test if stylometry has something to say about the authorship of Die halbe Birne, a Middle High German short story sometimes attributed to Konrad von Würzburg. There are many more interesting cases of unknowned or contested authorship in MHG literature. I am still trying ways to overcome the spelling differences in manuscripts and editions.

Past but not closed projects

Konrad von Würzburg – Digital

The digital edition of the short stories by Konrad von Würzburg (13th century) was part of my PhD dissertation. I created transcriptions and critical texts in XML-TEI format and also a visualization interphase.

Der arme Heinrich – Digital

A digital edition I created togerther with Victor housed at the Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg. I was in charge of most of the TEI encoding. I learned a lot working on it and I really like the result (although we are still thinking about improving things). Collaborating with the staff at the Universitätsbibliothek was also a wonderfull experience.